Bipolar stepper motor controller_Home Made_

Step 1

Today I will Tell you how to make bipolar stepper motor controller.
it is vary pain full to drive a stapler motor..
there are many kind of steer motor like bipolar uni polar, 
they work with on different principles. and they have different sequences.
and binary code are totally different.
but anyways i made it is quit simple to make it.
follow some simple steps and principles and you can easily make the driver..

how does a steeper motor works. lets try to understand from the basic
first dc volt will go in to an ic ,and that ic create a pwm signal ,
and with that ic i attache a preset which will change in to a frequency 
but to drive a stepper motor we need 4 different sequences.
so for that use a another is which will create 4 sequences from 1..

this type of  binary codes will come out from this IC
so lets see how to creat PWM signals.
for that i made a circuit diagram.

for this purpose 555 timer IC is best.

so i put the timer IC on the bread board.
and on the basis of the diagram i made  the circuit.
as you can se when i am rotating the preset the different type of frequencies are coming out.
so we have to get the four sequences from it.

so i put a 4017 IC on the bread board.
we can get max 10 output but we need only 4
so i short the 15 and 10 no. pin
so the circuit is complete 
as you can see the four signals.

but here is problem, this type of sequences are good for unipolar stepper motor.
lets see how unipolar and bipolar sequences works together,
there are 5 wares in unipolar motor, one is common ware where negative signals goes in,
and in the others, the same signals which we get from the IC
this is quite easy.
lets check how does the bipolar sequences works?

from bipolar motor four wares comes out, and there are two coils.
and the sequences are like this.

so i have to convert the IC’s signal to this sequence
i have used 4 NP and 4 PNP transistors.
and BD 139 and 140
you can use any Mosfet as your need.

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