How to Make a 220Volt to 24V 5Amp SMPS


This article describes in detail about SMPS (Switching Mode Power Supply), how it works. But before starting the article, I have a special request to you. If you do not have enough knowledge about electronics then just read this project but do not try to make it at home because your small mistake can be a risk to your life.

The first step

to making SMPS is to convert AC to DC.

And you can divide this chapter into three parts as follows:

First step to convert AC to DC is protection and for this protection you need to use fuse or you can use poly fuse,

Because in case there is any problem on reverse side then this poly-fuse or fuse will help you to protect your circuit. Or will protect you from any accident, Because we are going to play with live voltage here.

The next step is to filter out the noise present in the AC frequency, for that you need to use a filter which is very important for 50hz noise cancellation. For pure DC output,

And the third step is Bridge Rectifier, with this Bridge Rectifier your 220 volt will be converted from AC to DC 220 volt.

Second Step

And this DC 220 volts will be voltage smoothed with a capacitor and where the voltage will be stored around 300 volts, like a water tank. And the transformer is the second most important thing in SMPS. The voltage and amperage of your output depends on what transformer you are using. Here I have used EE33 transformer

Now we have to do the transformer winding, the most important thing to do the transfer winding is to keep in mind what kind of copper wire you are using.

The type of copper wire available in my area is not very good quality.

If it is good quality, then inductance will be created in one way, if it is not good quality, then a different inductance will be created, so the point here is how much inductance we need. We need 10 millihenries in the primary section, So we have to use the wire accordingly, So in my case 70 turns of primary winding is enough. Your case may be different, you need to understand that. You can take help of inductance meter in this regard

And I forgot to tell you that I am using 0.61 mm copper wire here, you will understand this better by how many W A G it is in mm. And I forgot to tell you that I am using 0.61 mm copper wire here, you will understand this better by how many WAG it is in mm.

On the other hand, in the case of the secondary winding, I will wind eight wires together in parallel six times, so I will get 5 amperes 24 volts.

Naturally, you are thinking here why did I take eight wires together?

So many wires together are supposed to output more Amp?

Yes, you are right because I am winding more wires together here because I want to get 5AMP efficiently, that is why I have  wind it as ten amperes.

On the other hand, I have made another 3-turn coil which is called an auxiliary coil. Which is used to power the main oscillation circuit.

Third Step 

oscillation circuit

To make the SMPS I have used UC3842 IC which is very popular and can be bought at a very low price.

The heart of this SMPS is this IC.

This IC creates the main vibration, I mean I am trying to say this SMPS is running on 49 KHZ and this frequency is created by this IC.

And the most important feature of this IC is that it can control the ampere, meaning the SMPS shutdown will depend on the ampere of your output, this is a very popular feature.

Even the voltage can be controlled in the duty cycle controlling system which is a very nice thing, this IC is very good for SMPS.

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